
Is this a picture of your energy?

We had finished work at B & B and we were still strung out on work energy. It was 2:00am. Doreen and I decided we’d go down the street to the twenty-four hour restaurant for a bite to eat before heading home. 

When you’re younger, time doesn’t seem to carry relevance, and you thrive on the ability to be young. We began our conversation with happenings from the evening, but, as our conversations continued, and as they usually did, we began to talk about spirituality. I can’t remember what stage I was at, but I do remember talking to her about what I saw when I looked at people. I saw them physically as they were, but I also saw an instant transparent picture on them from what they looked like when they were a child. Their childhood memories and feelings would flood my body. I wasn’t really sure how to handle this and I mentioned to Doreen that I had tried to prevent it from happening by blocking out the feelings I was receiving. 

Doreen instantly admonished me for even beginning to think along those lines. She told me it was important that I remained open and let things and life pass through me. Not to create resistance. Not to force my energy against the natural flow. She said I would cut myself off from the source and I would end up being trapped by the ‘mind’. I listened and found she was right. Things in life became easier and after a period of time the faces of the young and their feelings subsided. I still seem them occasionally, but it takes me a lot of effort to open up to the point where I was in the past. This fact alone tells me a lot about where I am. The energy has changed from youthful acceptance to an energy with jaded edges.

I have a lot of jade polishing to do.

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