A Gift
February 27, 2010

Last night, Eberhard, his mother Doris and I went to the Palm Springs Follies. A get together for their birthdays. The performance was well done and it’s biggest surprise to me was the age of the performers. These performers are incredibly well-preserved and vibrant. An eighty-six year old woman dancer performing like she was twenty-nine. Another man seventy-six doing the splits and forward flip. I can feel stairs bothering me, so why can they lift their legs above their heads?  They’ve found their niche in life, love what they do and they’re sharing it with the world.

We’re all given a gift. And then, that part of us that knows better (but doesn’t), takes over to snuff out our primary function here. We let excuses cover up our fears. Fears are just a form of loss. We have to look at what it is we can lose. Why did we settle? Why did we give up?

Let me use Jorge as an example. He won’t get mad at me. Jorge’s gift was sex. He accepted that fact, and he shared it with everyone he could. Society may morally condemn him, but he was his own person, he recognized what he was here to do and he did it. If you woke up one morning and God was standing in front of you and said your mission this time is to be an escort, would you do it? We waste so much time in our lives not doing what we love.

Re-read these posts: Making Bread – it’s about conquering your fears and the work it will take to over come those fears. “Fear” – it’s about facing your fears. “How to Choose an Escort” – it’s about honesty. Search yourself and recognize what you already know.

We can all live vibrantly and love what we do. We just have to have the courage to do it. What have you settled for? Change! What’s your gift and why haven’t you done something with it?
